Thursday 3 December 2015

5 Signs You Suffering Heart Attack

5 Signs You Suffering Heart Attack

Welcome back to the blog Tips and News Healthy . On this occasion I will discuss about 5 Signs You Suffering Heart Attack , ok just in see

Many people believe that the disease of heart attacks come without signs. However, for women, the symptoms and signs can be known at least one week before the disease strikes. If you begin to feel any of these signs, it's time to visit the cardiologist.

5 Signs You Suffering Heart Attack

5 Signs You Suffering Heart Attack

  1. Feeling very tired or suffer from insomnia
    If you feel more tired than usual or restless sleep, this could be a sign that the coronary artery has narrowed drastically. Blood flow to the heart is hampered by the slow process of pumping blood.
  2. Out of breath
    If you experience shortness of breath, this is the biggest sign you suffer from a heart attack, especially if you are a woman. This happens due to cardiovascular and respiratory system always interdependence. If the heart is not receiving the blood, the lungs also will lack that causes shortness of breath.
  3. Weak muscles
    Weakening of muscles in the body can also diindakiskan that you suffered a heart attack. It happened due to blood flow throughout the body lacks oxygen. When the air circulation in the blood flow is bad, then the muscle will lose its function fully.
  4. weating and dizziness
    If when you stand sweating, nausea, dizziness, and experience vertigo, it could be a sign of heart problems.That's because the brain does not get the blood flow that causes you dizzy.
  5. An uncomfortable feeling in the chest
    You who have the awkward and uncomfortable feeling in the chest, it becomes a signal that the organs in your body are narrowed coronary arteries that stops the flow of blood in the body. At first the breasts will start to feel like having a strange feeling and end up feeling sick.

That was a little review about 5 Signs of Heart Disease information to share on the occasion of this afternoon, also refer to my previous article about 5 Diseases Eating Noodles Instant Overload . Hopefully my article useful for you, so start a healthy life with a healthy lifestyle, Eat regularly and regular exercise every day to keep Your heart to stay healthy

Shopee Android | Shopee iOS

Title = 5 Signs You Suffering Heart Attack

Tuesday 1 December 2015

5 Diseases Eating Noodles Instant Overload

5 Diseases Eating Noodles Instant Overload

Good afternoon visitors blog Tips and News Healthy . On this occasion I will share an article that is of course still in touch with the world of health ,
Are you a person who loves to eat noodles instance?
And do you know the danger of too much consumption of instant noodles?
My article will discuss about the dangers in timbulkanjika too often mengkomumsi instant noodles, Previously I'm sorry if this little article I offend you, but I also do not forbid you to not consume instant noodles , Only an information for not too much in consuming instant noodles , ok just in see

Breaking News

Eating instant noodles have become a habit for everyone. Mie is fast food that is easy to cook and has a good taste. In fact, many of us who would rather eat than eat rice noodles, this means that the noodles have a charm delights that tempt us to eat.
But anyway, eat noodles in excess would give a bad influence on our health. Why? Because the ingredients for noodles contain additives such as sodium polisofat, sodium carbonate, tartazine, and Monosium Glutamate which is not good for our bodies. Mie is not dangerous if we do not consume to excess. You need to know the dangers of excessive eating instant noodles so that you do not overdo the eating noodles.

5 Diseases Eating Noodles Instant Overload

5 Diseases Eating Noodles Instant Overload

The following is a disease caused by frequent excessive eating instant noodles:

  1. Obesity
    Instant noodles and rice both contain carbohydrates that are high. If you too often consume instant noodles mixed with rice then the excess calories will be stored by the body as fat. It is what will make the body become overweight or obese.
  2. Cancer
    Eating instant noodles at risk of cancer. Cancer is meant is liver cancer and colon cancer. In the instant noodles are waxy coating that makes the noodles from sticking and clumping. These candles are difficult to digest by the body, our body requires at least 3 days to digest and dispose of this candle. If the wax is continuously accumulate in the body, it will lead to the deadly cancer disease
  3. Leaky gut
    Adverse effects of excessive eating instant noodles are leaky bowel disease. This disease is very dangerous and deadly as part of our intestines are not working anymore because excessive eating instant noodles.
  4. Brain Nerve Disorders
    Excessive consume instant noodles can disrupt brain tissue in our heads. Hazardous materials in the noodles were so many, will be channeled to the brain and brain keinerja would interfere significantly.
  5. Miscarriage
    One of the causes of miscarriage in pregnant women because terlau often eat instant noodles. This can happen because the content of flavoring and preservative in instant noodles can affect fetal development. If you currently are pregnant, avoid eating instant noodles, because it would be dangerous for yourself and your baby are also candidates.

That's the negative effects of excessive eating instant noodles.Hopefully this article can add information and knowledge about health. See also my previous article about 24 Do not store food in the fridge .thanks for visit

Shopee Android | Shopee iOS

Title = 5 Diseases Eating Noodles Instant Overload

Monday 30 November 2015

24 Do not store food in the fridge

24 Do not store food in the fridge

Welcome back in the blog Tips and News Healthy . After yesterday I wrote an article about Bad Impacts of Eating Disorders on this occasion I will write an article that is related to health, that is about the 24 Do not store food in the fridge , ok just in see

Breaking News

Refrigerators can actually change the quality of nutrients contained in the food or drink itself. In fact, it could accelerate the decay. As time, technology has also evolved to help ease our work and fulfill our needs. Including refrigerators.
Yes, the fridge helps us to preserve food that we can not necessarily spend it all in one day. But, is forever refrigerator it will perform its function for 'securing' foods or beverages that we consume?
In fact, do not. Refrigerators can actually change the quality of nutrients contained in the food or drink itself. In fact, it could accelerate the decay.  

24 Do not store food in the fridge

24 Do not store food in the fridge

The following list of foods or beverages that you should not enter into the refrigerator.

  1. Herbal ingredients
    Herbal ingredients are here for example a medicinal plant families (toga). It would be better you immerse it in water to keep it fresh and crisp, than you keep it in the fridge that actually make it quickly wither. You can also place it in a dry and cool room temperature.
  2. Bread
    Eat the bread was good, but if you keep it too long in the fridge, then he will dry out more quickly. Better you put it first in the bread box.
  3. Potatoes
    Refrigerators can make your potatoes decreased flavor. You better put it in a paper bag and avoid plastic bags because it accelerates decomposition.
  4. Fruit
    Avocado, apples, bananas, citrus fruits, berries, peaches, apricots, and nectarines should be stored outside the refrigerator so that was not lost flavor and texture. If you want to feel the sensation of crisp and cool, just place them for 30 minutes before eating.
  5. Onions
    Such as potatoes, if you store it in the fridge, take a long time to change the taste. Better keep it in a paper bag that does not quickly decompose.
  6. The Salad Dressing
    Salad dressings made from outside cream, yogurt, or smelling mayonnaise, please be stored outside the refrigerator. Especially those containing vinegar and oil so as not to reduce the taste.
  7. Tomato
    Just like potatoes and onions, tomatoes will be better stored in a paper bag quickly so as not mushy and rot.
  8. The tomato sauce and ketchup
    Saving sauce and ketchup on the outside of the refrigerator will not be a problem because they already contain vinegar and preservative, even when used repeatedly.
  9. Cereals
    Cereals will not rot even if outside the fridge. So, do not worry.
  10. Oil
    Most of this type of oil stored in the safe just ordinary room temperature. But for the oil that has a low content of saturated fats, such as derived from sunflower or other oil made from nuts, will be very nice when stored in the refrigerator
  11. Coffee
    Coffee flavor will only be good if stored in an airtight container. So, do not store your coffee in the fridge again.
  12. Acar
    Foodstuffs is already berpengawet, so it will stay fresh even if not put in the fridge.
  13. Melon
    Melon intact will quickly rot if you store it in the fridge. If want to keep it there, make sure you've peeled and cut and not more than three or four days
  14. Peanut Butter
    iSmply save peanut jam in a dry and cool temperatures, then he will not be anything.
  15. Honey
    Refrigerators will only cause the honey to harden. Better stored in a dry and cool room temperature.
  16. Berries
    Berries only short-lived, so better soon consume in a day or two rather than store it in the refrigerator.
  17. Butter Fruit
    Just as peanut butter, fruit jam already have preservatives so no need to worry rot without put in the fridge.
  18. stone fruit
    The point is like a peach, cherry and plum. Keep them out of the fridge the tube cool and dry and leave until cooked to eat.
  19. Garlic
    Refrigerators will only reduce the taste of garlic and accelerate decomposition. So, save it in a paper bag.
  20. Spices Kitchen
    Herbs did not need to be cooled, refreshed, and preserved in a refrigerator.
  21. Nuts and dried fruits
    Without the need to refrigerate these foods, they will be preserved even if stored in a cool, dry place.
  22. The drinks from fruit that has been mixed with water, sugar or artificial sweeteners
    Such drinks without the need to put the refrigerator, will still keep their flavor when stored in a cool and dry temperatures.
  23. Tuna in packaging
    Tuna already in canned conditions, better kept at room temperature cool and dry. He was safe, although not put in the fridge.
  24. Type paprika and chili
    Both red and green peppers and chili, do not need to be refrigerated so durable. Simply save in a paper bag with cool air.

That article 24 kinds of food should not be stored in the refrigerator. Hopefully my article useful for you

Shopee Android | Shopee iOS

Title = 24 Do not store food in the fridge

Friday 27 November 2015

Bad Impacts of Eating Disorders

Bad Impacts of Eating Disorders

Welcome back in the blog Tips and News Healthy . After yesterday I wrote an article about Brown Sugar For Health Benefits on this occasion I will write an article that is related to health, that is about the Bad Impacts of Eating Disorders , ok just in see

Breaking News

Due to various busyness not a few people who forget to meal times, so that their diet became irregular.In fact, familiarize yourself with the regular diet may be beneficial for health. And irregular eating patterns can certainly berdamapk bad health. Here are some of the adverse effects of irregular eating patterns: 

Bad Impacts of Eating Disorders

Bad Impacts of Eating Disorders

  • Cause gastrointestinal problems, such as irregular eating patterns can impair the function of the digestive system, constipation, and so on.
  • Tiredness, it is because the system slows down metabolism and affect the normal function of the total system weight. So that the body will easily feel tired and exhausted.
  • Decline in brain health, skipping meals or not eating regularly able to burn glucose in the brain that can cause the brain to not function properly.
  • Hormonal changes, eating teraur can cause hormonal balance in the body tidka. When we skip lunch for example, can increase cortisol hormone that can cause weight gain.
  • Body weight gain, maybe you think if the melewatkanmakan weight can be decreased. However, that assumption is not entirely true. Precisely by skipping meals could be a new mess that cause you to gain weight.
  • Fluctuations of glucose in the body, where irregular eating can influence on body weight and can also lead to diabetes. Therefore, the diet must be considered well, ranging from the type of food consumed, and also meals.

Well, from now on there is no other reason to delay or skip meals. Are teaching to implement a regular diet to keep the body healthy and fit to carry out your daily activities. 

Shopee Android | Shopee iOS

Title = Bad Impacts of Eating Disorders